It's that time of year again when we are hinting to our cupids and hoping for some treats come February 14th. Now we love showing y'all everything we are gifting, but for Valentine's, it's all about curating a wish list for the ladies.  Maybe it's my love for pink and ruffles and anything feminine but I love creating a good Valentine's, Wish List.  So without further ado, our Valentine's 2023 Wish List!  Hey Cupid, look alive! This one is for you. 



Glass Bud Vases because flowers are for everyday AND you just cannot have enough vessels with little hands plucking and gathering on a farm.  

Dreaming about wearing sandals - that's all.

Magenta No. 1- Me and my Galentines!  Framed, please!


The soft pink background in this stunning Charlotte Fraser floral painting , Yellow Parrot Tulip, is just what my heart desires this Valentine's Day.  Cupid, can we make it happen!?

While we are in the subject of pink - I've been searching for a perfectly pink tweed blazer and per usual, Ann Mashburn made it happen with the Kiki Jacket.

Nothing says Valentines Celebration like champagne and El Guapo Love Potion Bitters.  My friend Christa's bitters will up your cocktail game stat.  


Alison Duncan's painting "Petite Statements III No. 10" in vibrant coral and orange  🤝 Valentines Day - Perfection!

I live in athleisure and am looking to up my game. This KULE sweatshirt is just the ticket. Sold by my latest Instagram crush Le Weekend

My Neck Mess™ is in need of a little bit of sparkle...The real thing may not be in the cards (or the budget) at the moment BUT this Hart Studio tennis necklace is a stellar runner-up! 


A good robe is like gold in my wardrobe. Let's just say I pride myself in my collection of robes for all seasons, though if I'm honest a short sleeve, short robe in Florida could be suitable all year long. This Weezie "Margo" patterned robe is right up my alley, and I just love Weezie's brand of high quality linens.

I'm still on a shopping spree to up my earring game since getting my ears pierced last year. These  Hearne Dry Goods  Pink Heart Studs are so sweet and cool, love them for Valentine's and other occasions when love is in the air!

Who doesn't want a love a Humble Host?? I was blown away by Mollie Robinson's "Blooms of Virtue" release earlier this month. Her work is captivating - the striking color palette, the layering of colors, and the beauty of a single flower make my heart sing.